After a drink, we are on the motorbike and headed to Triana to sort out my bolero jacket that matches my flamenco dress that went missing the night of Feria. I couldn't go alone as the dress maker doesn't speak A WORD of English. Saber would be acting as my translator once again.
He tells the woman I lost my jacket and I would like another one made. She is sorry for my loss and begins measuring my arms and asking where I want the cuffs to end. Saber pipes in and gives me his opinion on what he likes. A guy with a sense of women's fashion? Very interesting.
Once measured, she tells me it will be 50 Euros, which is double what I originally paid for it. Saber launches in and gives her a lesson in business, and somehow got 10 Euro knocked off. I didn't exactly think this was a fair price, but it was better, and I wanted to have the matching jacket, so we ordered it and Saber promised to pick it up for me when it was ready at the end of the month.
On the street, Saber is raving about "hustlers" again. He is such a funny one, but he is right about this woman. She was overcharging me for sure.
We get on the bike and head to sort out my next issue, my phone. Into Phone House, Saber takes the lead again, securing me a phone without a plan, popping in my sim card, and abracadabra, I am in communicado again!
This guy is really good at sorting out my issues, don't you think?
Now for some fun. Its the Chelsea vs. Barcelona futbol match and we are meeting up with Pepe in el barrio Macarena. We fly through the streets of Sevilla on the motorbike, and at every stop light Saber pats my leg and says "Aye, mi nina", or would blow me a kiss in the mirror. Sevillian men are just so sweet and adoring. I was loving my time with him.
At the "sports bar" (because it has ONE TV its considered a sports bar), Pepe is waiting on us. We order drinks as the game starts, and the bartender makes quite a production of serving my wine in a huge wine glass, and presenting me the bottle. Come on, its futbol. Wine is not fancy over football, right?
After 10 minutes I wander outside to call my mom and sister as it had been 3 weeks since I had talked to either. While I was chatting, Saber brought me my wine so I could drink it while chatting. And 20 minutes later he brought me a refill.
I simply love how he treats me. Whether he treats all women this way or just me, I have no clue. But I love knowing that someone has an eye on me, but isn't doting or controlling. In one word, he is considerate. He doesn't do things in a corny or 'look at me' manner, he does things because he wants to and its obvious. He expects nothing in return.
Another one of my favorite Saber-qualities is he listens. In two days I have given him the brushstrokes of my life, and he knows all the major players by name. He listens when I tell him what I am doing, and asks about events in my life. For just getting to really know me, he is very clued into how I am feeling and what I am wanting or in need of. His listening skills expands beyond what is spoken, which is such an amazing quality to have.
Back inside the bar, wine in hand, the boys are getting hungry and Saber thinks we need 'caracoles". I have no clue what such things are but apparently they are in season and a must have. "Summer treat of Andalusia", Saber tells me.
Snails. That's what caracoles are. Baby snails. And they were quite tasty, if you can get them out of the shell. We had a race with Pepe to see who could eat theirs the fastest. Of course we won, but it was a bit unfair, don't you think?

When Barcelona won the match, we were out of the bar quickly. Saber is not a fan of Barce, and there was no need to stand around. We hopped on the bike and headed to meet Nacho and his Uncle Tortilla who were at a bar by Saber's casa.

Zooming through the crisp night air on the cobbled streets of this fantastic little place, was so freeing. I had to wonder what others thought when they saw the two of us together, as we were quite the odd couple. Kind of like the Moroccan version of Danny Zuco and the New York version of Sandra Dee. Yep, we were quite a pair.

We found Nacho, and got drinks and the night wandered away as we drank in the streets, and then wandered to another bar next door.

(Even here, I talk way too much with my hands!)
We went home around 2AM. I finished packing for my early AM departure and then we sat on Saber's his new couch that had been delivered that afternoon. I was leaving in 3 hours, and being quite a talkative duo we chatted right up until time to go...well, almost I dozed off at 5AM and woke to the phone saying the cab was around the corner.
I jumped up, threw on fresh clothes, Saber grabbed my bag and we were dashing out the door. Leave it to me to leave no room for goodbyes... I just don't do them, and something told me it wasn't time to say goodbye to Saber. At least not yet.

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