My favorite part of any meal in southern Spain is the plethora of the fresh seafood options, and the overall options in general. A little taste of this, a bit of that, a spoonful of salmorijo and your done. Meals are generally light, but filling, with more room for a bite of something new and different later. As I mentioned earlier, going out to a meal in Spain is a mini progressive-dinner. You never become full, just satiated.
This afternoon I had about 2-3 coffees, while Miguel went straight for cerveza. We had another crazy afternoon and evening ahead of us, as it was Thursday and it seems the biggest night of any Sevillian festival falls on Thursday. All businesses were closed today, so Feria was going to be in full swing.
After our lunch, we quickly dressed in our same dresses from the day before, and began the workout of walking in these overweight gowns. Seriously, who needs to run 10kms when you can walk 5km in a dress weighing 50 lbs!
Today I was going full-Feria, with the huge earrings, hair pulled tight, and my fan. Today was going to be a blast. I just had this feeling...

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