Then why did I come to Italy you might ask! (I kind of asked myself this)
I will say returning to Rome seemed easier in some way, maybe because I had been here before or maybe I felt better overall after having some time with my new friends in my favorite city ever.
Anyway, I am here, so I may as well enjoy my time.
Arriving in Naples was one eyesore after another. The place was disgusting, filthy and so full of crooks and crooked deals. Upon learning that I had to take another train to Sorrento before getting the bus to Positano, I found a driver who could do it for less and we were on our way.
We stopped in Pompeii and I looked at the pile of rocks and rubble with about 1,000,000 other American tourists. We drove through Sorrento and I had a frozen granita (lemon ice). My driver pointed out Vesuvius, and Capri and Amalfi Coast and then dropped me at the road to my hotel, after overcharging me 20 Euro. Whatever. I have dealt with more.

My hotel is fine, I have a great view of the coast, as well as the scaled city. I will be fine here for two nights, and that seems like enough time to spend here. For now, I am exhausted. I need a shower and something to eat and then a good night's rest. I will deal with other things tomorrow.
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