Sunday, June 21, 2009


Before taking a final siesta in this sun-drenched country, I ran a few errands picking up a few "must-haves" before my flight tomorrow afternoon. I wander back over the Triana bridge, watching the shadows of people passing on the river below. And I wonder what exactly it is about Sevilla that has a hold on me. Its absolutely stunning, that is for sure. But so is Paris. So is Madrid. So is Buenas Aires. And beauty is only skin deep -- my time in Italy more than proved that.

The weather in Sevilal is terrific, if you like hot. In the three weeks I spent here, there had been 2 cloudy days and 5 raindrops. The rest was bright blue and super sunny. The cost of living was definitely a plus. But the one word that kept resonating with me as I wandered back to Barrio de Santa Cruz is "authentic". Sevilla is authentically beautiful. You see this in the architecture, the way of life, and the people.

People in this lovely part of the world live through their hearts, not their heads. This is seen in the close family ties. The way men treat women with honesty and sweetness. The way people make their money. The way the whole neighborhood turns out for a funeral. The way Feria lasts til 6AM every night because spending time with close friends is important and enduring. The way the people laugh. The way the people smile. The way people are.

People here know how to just "be". They are not always worrying about making a ton of money through stressful jobs and high-power careers. They work so they can live. They do their jobs well, and then they play. They take siestas because they are tired. They eat because they are hungry. Here, there is not an obsession with food and dieting like in America. Everyone here is not trying to be a size 2. Their excercise comes in the form of walking or biking. Few people here have actually been on a treadmill, as when they run or walk they prefer to be going somewhere.

Here is an authentic existence. And my days here taught me that the authentic part of me is the best part of me. That the authentic life is the best life. And finding authenticity is others is the true treat of knowing people.

Sevilla, thank you. Thank you for giving me back 'me". Thank you for making me more than what I was when I first exited the train, oh so long ago. Thank you for teaching me more about how I want to be, and how I want to live. Thank you, sweet city, thank you.

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