When I went out for a run, the little town of Caletillas was setting up for something on the boardwalk… I just did not know what, yet.

When I came back out for a coffee, it was wild. Spin classes and step classes on the boardwalk! And music to accompany it. Needless to say, they don’t do brunch the same way its done in NYC.
So I find our coffee spot, and grab a seat in the sun while I wait on Senor Figueroa. Its hot and I am loving it.
Jose is someone you can’t help but notice from a distance. And can be quite charming – from a distance. When I realized I had missed a few calls from him, I call him back and see him wandering on the boardwalk. I wave big and when he sees me he starts mimicking the step-girls. His exuberance can be funny, and I had to laugh.
I am realizing I can handle Jose is small doses. When we meet for coffee we always have great conversations. (Maybe that is before he orders a cafĂ© con leche leche --coffee with condensed milk -- and then adds 4 sugars.) Today he thought instead of driving to the south, we should stay around here and visit the natural pools in the Canaries… Works for me. If the sun was there, I had no problem. He led me to the most amazing spot. Natural waterfalls. Tiers of natural rock for sunbathing, and the natural pools at the bottom. True paradise.

Now, there are two types of sunbathers. Those who love the sun and if they are in it are content and need little more. And those that do anything to get out of it. I was the former, Jose was the latter.
After being there 20 minutes, and Jose has been for a swim, he says, “I bet I know what you want right now?” Other than peace, quiet and sunshine, what could I possibly want? “An ice cream!” he shouts. Okay, today is not going to be easy-peasy like I was hoping.
With no response, he jumps to the next potential topic… Lunch. Is he serious? We just got here.
There were a number of hits and misses at conversation. Bottomline, I was not moving for a while. He could do whatever he wanted. I would be available for lunch at 4:30… plus he just ate a muffin at 12:30!
We go in for a paella lunch (dinner) and mojitos at this great place overlooking the sea. It truly is perfect. Then Jose wants to talk about bringing his business to America. Reiki… again? Does he seriously think he can flamenco into Fortune 500 companies and sell them on the esoteric tradition and his hot hands? I tell him I can talk about this for one-hour, starting now. He is just really trying my patience on all of this. I don’t’ want to talk about esoteric traditions, Reiki or those damn Bach flowers. But I am his guest so I will indulge him… briefly.
After lunch and a mini-reiki session for me, which really didn’t work because I was counting the seconds til he left, we bid each other farewell, and I had a final sunset in Caletillas to enjoy on my own.
Jose, you are right. The universe really does work for those who truly believe in it.

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