We took a cab across the Triana bridge to drop our bags in Miguel’s sisters apt. (she has a bi-city life while working on her PhD in both Cadiz and Seville). We grabbed a bite for breakfast and then we were off to city center to see the Plaza d’Espana and the Alcazar.

Everything was just lovely, perfectly preserved and pristine. So grand.
The Alcazar reminded me much of the Alhambre, so beautiful. We spent a bit trying to find the fountain of Mercury, and it was indeed worth it. Apparently there is another in Italy that I will chase down when there, but this one was quite nice.

As we left and headed to the Cathedral, we grew suspicious as the gates seemed closed and all the school groups were no longer in sight. CLOSED FOR AN EVENT, the sign said. It was 2PM, and that was what we were going to do until we met Miguel’s friends at 5PM.
Well, when plans change, you change with them. And today, Happy Hour was starting early – although from my three weeks here its pretty clear that happy hour is a 24-hour thing in Spain.

So we found San Salvador Plaza and the day of “Rio HAH” began. It was hot, hot, hot and Eline and I had gotten down to our tank tops to catch some rays. Five minutes later, Nacho showed up. (this is his real name, no joke, he also has an uncle Tortilla) He led us to a fantastic little square for more Rio HAH and tapas. After our snack I knew the silliness was just setting in. Eline and I were just having too much fun, and I was glad Miguel now had a side-kick… or else I think he would be ready to give me a side kick, taking his girlfriend away for almost a week now.
We decided to hit El Corte Ingles to grab swimsuits for my pending holiday in the Canaries, and books in English… that was a must. This took way longer than it was supposed to, and when we left the sun was close to setting, and the only direction we had to find the boys was “down this street”. So we walked down this street and Eline stopped in front of a hotel and said “they say they are in here”. We walked into a lobby, with no bar, or anything resembling a social establishment.
The woman sitting behind the desk pointed up, and we suspiciously walked up the stairs to find a terrace bar with Jacuzzi, island drinks and rooftop views of Seville. Perfecto!

We had a few rounds here, which totaled 18 Euro! Everything in Spain is so cheap. Lunch was 6 Euros (for 3), and drinks for 4 were 18. Amazing. I could pick up a lot more checks in Spain, only here the boys insist on doing it. Okay by me!
We then left to meet Miguel’s other friend Antonio, who rides a motorcycle. He turned out to be a very fun guy with a gorgeous smile.
During drinks at some point, Miguel mentioned that I should stay for Semana Santa, that it is the best time in Seville. I had no clue what it was, but I was having so much fun, that I figure why not? I really wanted to be in Venice for Easter but was arriving on Tuesday giving me 6 days in Italy’s sinking city. So… one phone call and 45 Euros later, I am on a flight to Venice on Friday, and staying for all of Semana Santa next week, and getting to spend Easter in Venice. AND getting to see the rest of Seville! It just all worked out perfectly.

The rest of the night became very fuzzy. I am not sure how many more glasses of wine we had. I do remember that at one point I was trying to convince American’s that Eline and I were twins. Coloring wise – maybe. Height wise – nada. (I am 5’4”, she is 6’) There was a Russian singer, and a fire place and a bunch of American frat boys.

I woke up the next morning and was totally Rioja-ed out. Done and done. Truly in need of a break from drinking…hopefully that was what was waiting for me in the Canaries!
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