The evening prior I had been in the San Croce area and noticed that something was set up in the square, so I thought I would wonder over and see what I would find. Low and behold, it was a better version of the Green Market in Union Square! (one of my favorite spots in NYC). But here, there was A LOT more vino, cheese, bread and meats to choose from. Tables were set up to picnic, and that is what I did.

After perusing the offerings I selected a plate of marinated delights, some queso and really lovely glass of wine (from a real glass). As I nibbled and pondered my thoughts, I was invited to another glass of wine by a new friend, Leonardo. Who, quite incidentally, was a professor. Seems that I attract a certain type of energy in Italy, doesn’t it?

After my picnic, I made some calls to catch up with friends and family and did some small shopping. The day had pretty much been swept away in the market, and it was getting late and I had to find dinner before soon. I found an easy place by my hotel, grabbed a quick bite and went for a wander by the river. Something about moving water always puts my mind and spirit at ease…Not that I was in need of soothing, but I think better near water.

I put on my ipod, and walked. I seemed to think about everything on my little meander by the river. From the obvious reasons I am in Italy right now and not at some honeymoon destination, to the less obvious reasons I am in Italy and all that I had felt since leaving Sevilla. I thought about relationships I left in NYC, and the new ones I had created in Spain. I thought about my level of happiness, currently and in the past. I thought about the effort Italy required, and the simplicity of Spain. I thought through dreams I had reopened since venturing across the ocean and ways to make them happen. Mostly, I thought about me and what I wanted next. For as much as I may pretend that my little adventure will last forever, there would come a day that I would have to decide what TO DO next. I couldn’t keep traveling – at least physically – forever.
Something about this meander led me to a bar on the river, and as I ventured inside two guys started a conversation. We chatted briefly, ten minutes or so, and then I left. Men often boggle my mind with their lack of action. These two had hinted several times that we should all go inside, yet the steps to do that remained unseen. I wasn't waiting on them to take action. So I left. I really did not want to hang out with them anymore.
From here I found a lovely glass of prosecco in Piazza Republico, and brought out my journal to record my thoughts. That is one thing I will give Italy. As a country, it was trying my very last nerve, but these tests were giving me lots of fuel for thought, which is never a bad thing. And for that, Italy, I thank you.

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