Friday morning was so beautiful, that despite my extremely sore legs, I donned my running shoes and went out for another long run in Barcenoleta. The weather was to die for. My t-shirt quickly became too much in the heat -- not to mention the awful tan lines it offered – so off it came. (no worries, I had a tank underneath). My run lasted way longer than necessary as I found a beautiful stretch of beach I had not spied before, and after going a mile out of the way I realized that each step forward meant I would have to backtrack so I quickly retreated to my apartment to get ready as I was meeting Pierre for lunch.

I met up with Pierre at an outdoor cafĂ© in Barcenoleta, where he was enjoying the sunny morning with his friend Joe (not to be confused with Jose, as Joe is from London). I could have set outside all morning, but at 1pm, I was starving so we had to find lunch… and lunch we did!
We found this amazing tapas restaurant where everything was from the sea. Pierre wanted me “to try somethings” but I think I ended up being more daring than he bargained for. I have no idea what we ate – minus the squid and baby clams – but it was all so yummy.

After this we wandered to the beach before he headed to work, and I was off on my last tourist expedition of Barcelona. I took the railcar to the top of Montjuic to see the old fort, take in some Miro and view Barce from a distance. All were amazing… minus the fact that I was exhausted from the trek.

Once back to sea-level, I got to my room just in time for a visit from Pierre wanting to make sure I survived. Funny guy, that Pierre. He helped me make reservations for that evening, as I was having dinner with a colleague from Euro NYC who just happened to be in the city at the same time. He was staying at Le Meridien – definitely a classier joint than I had arranged for myself.
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